
Two-Day Short Course on Interactive Digital Media Technologies

Event Date 17 Oct 2007 09:00 AM (Wed) - 18 Oct 2007 05:00 PM (Thu)
Venue Executive Seminar Room (Block S2.2-B2-53), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Organiser InfoComm Research Cluster, NTU (Email :  Tel/Fax : 065-6790-4882, 065 6791-2383)

Event Info

Course Overview

  Morning of Day 1
Paradigm Shifts in Modern IT Driven by Digital Media and Broadband Networks
  Afternoon of Day 1
Multiview Video Analysis, Coding and Display with Applications to 3D and Free-View TV
  Morning of Day 2
Digital Broadcasting and Emerging IPTV Systems and Technologies
  Afternoon of Day 2
Scalable Video IP Multicasting with Network Coding

Click here to vist the course site for more details.

Speaker Profile:


Dr. C.-C. Jay Kuo received the B.S. degree from the National Taiwan University, Taipei, in 1980 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, in 1985 and 1987, respectively, all in Electrical Engineering. He is Director of the Signal and Image Processing Institute (SIPI) and Professor of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Southern California (USC).

Click here to find out more.


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