
Academic Writing with EndNote X7 - Advanced (22 May 14)

Event Date 22 May 2014 (Thu), 09:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Venue Alexandria Room, Library Instructional Commons - N2-B3a-01 (1 Level below Business Library) (Location Map)
Organiser Library Instructional Services Division (Email :  Tel/Fax : 6316-2911)

Event Info

This workshop covers the advanced EndNote functionalities for managing and customising EndNote libraries. Participants will learn to:

1.       Set EndNote Preferences

2.       Import Term Lists

3.       Create/Modify EndNote Styles

4.       Use Composite Styles

5.       Use EndNote Web


This workshop is for participants who have basic knowledge of EndNote.

Prerequisite for this workshop: Participants must be able to create an EndNote library and import/export citations from databases.



Registration for this event has closed.