
AP2014: Publishing in Academic Journals: Tips to help you succeed

Event Date 03 Mar 2014 (Mon), 12:00 PM - 01:30 PM
Venue LT 5 (Location Map)
Organiser Jointly organised by NTU Libraries and Taylor & Francis (Email :  Tel/Fax : 65927543)

Event Info

Publishing in Academic Journals: Tips to help you succeed

The session will discuss:

• Journal Publishing Cycle and the Peer Review Process
• Writing for your Chosen Journal
• Reasons Why Journal Articles are Rejected


There will be a panel discussion with two editors of the Taylor & Francis journals:
The two panellists are

DENG Zongyi
  Associate Professor, National Institute of Education 
  Executive Editor of Journal of Curriculum Studies (TCUS)

LEE Yew-Jin
  Associate Professor, National Institute of Education
  Editor of Pedagogies (HPED)

Lyndsey Dixon
Regional Journals Editorial Director, Asia Pacific
Taylor & Francis

Registration for this event has closed.