
AP2014: Author-Publisher Relations: Keeping It Cordial

Event Date 18 Mar 2014 (Tue), 12:00 PM - 01:30 PM
Venue NTU LT 24 (Location Map)
Organiser Jointly organised by NTU Libraries and LexisNexis (Email :  Tel/Fax : 65927543)

Event Info

Author-Publisher Relations: Keeping It Cordial

For first time writers, getting to know your publisher is one of the most important tasks at hand. Keeping relations with publishers cordial helps the author to communicate easily with the publisher. It also helps the publisher to decide on the form, layout and presentation of the book, identify issues early and ensures that the book gets into the proper market with the appropriate sales and marketing promotion.

The talk includes:

• Preliminary negotiations

• Types of contracts

• Confirming work flow and editorial timelines

• Sizing up market and participation in promotions work

Speaker: Norainni Rahman
Director of Publishing, Southeast Asia

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