
CRADLE Connects - From Educational Data to Insights

Event Date 24 Sep 2018 (Mon), 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Venue LT5 (North Spine, Blk N2.2, Level 2) (Location Map)
Organiser Centre for Research and Development in Learning (Email : )

Event Info

Theme: From Educational Data To Insights
The topics will be on Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the context of education.


Program Outline
9:45 am - 10 am: Registration and Welcome


10:00 am - 10:25 am: Presentation by Professor Looi Chee Kit
Title: Can AI + Data Science enhance the effectiveness of learning technologies?


10:25 am - 10:50 am: Presentation by Associate Professor Justin Dauwels
Title: Inferring the climate in classrooms from audio and video recordings: a machine learning approach


10:50 am - 11:15 am: Presentation by Assistant Professor Jerome Rotgans
Title: Using Educational Data to Make Informed Decisions in Team-Based Learning


11:15 am - 11:40 am: Presentation by Dr Jennifer Pei-Ling Tan
Title: Fostering 21st Century literacies through CSCL and formative LA environments: Pedagogical promises and dilemmas


11:40 am - 12:00 pm: Panel Discussion


12:00 pm - 12:30 pm: Networking & Lunch Session

Registration for lunch has closed.

Registration for this event has closed.