Event Info The Global Microbial Identifier (GMI) is an international consortium of more than 270 scientists in 55 countries galvanized by a single focus: realizing a global genomic infrastructure and database that will enable revolutionary new technology to identify and characterize microorganisms in a timely (minutes to hours) fashion through utilising an international interactive system of DNA databases containing the full genomes of all investigated microbial isolates in the world. Notably, the GMI idea represents the notion of global inclusiveness to harness benefit from this novel technology for all mankind, society and the environment. The basis for the GMI vision is in the implementation of next generation DNA sequencing in microbiology labs around the world.
Since its inception in 2011, GMI has garnered increasing support to advance the debate concerning the social, political, economic, ethical and technological barriers to realising GMI’s vision. The GMI Steering Committee which includes representatives from WHO, FAO, and OIE (World Animal Health Organization) has so far organized eleven global meetings across the continents of Asia, the Americas, and Europe. The upcoming 12th international meeting is designated to be held in Singapore, together with Nanyang Technological University.
Hosted together with Nanyang Technological University Food Technology Centre (NAFTEC), the 3-day event (12th-14th June) will focus on existing and current trending themes relating to the use of next generation sequencing (NGS) in clinical, public health, food virology, and microbiology as presented by international experts and as interactive discussions welcoming participant involvement. In line with a vision of global inclusiveness, GMI hopes to include participants of developing nations and is currently seeking supporting funds for this. GMI NGS workshop (10th-11th June) will also be held in Singapore and training topics include lectures on introduction to NGS, data analyses and interpretation, regulatory considerations and hands-on exercise on data analyses.
Note that priority will be given for the Training 10-11 June for participants from developing countries. Therefore you might be put on a waiting list for potential participation in the 2-day Training. Registration for this event has closed. |