
SCALE@NTU Invited Talk: On Robustifying AI with Data Intelligence

Event Date 14 Nov 2022 (Mon), 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Venue Hybrid: Microsoft Teams / SCALE@NTU (N4-B3a-02)
Organiser Singtel-NTU Corporate Lab (SCALE@NTU) (Email : )

Event Info

This research seminar is organized by Singtel-NTU Corporate Lab (SCALE@NTU). 

Invited Talk: On Robustifying AI with Data Intelligence

Large-scale language models have enabled super-human fluency in diverse NLP tasks, potentially revolutionizing human-machine and human-human interactions. However, their limited robustness is observed to be a major obstacle and cannot be overcome by increasing scale. This talk argues current norms of model training are too constrained and lead to over-confident models, then discusses our recent work, showing how knowledge such as causality and evidentiality can enrich interactions towards robust training of NLP models. A longer version of this talk (with older results) can be found as EDBT 2022 keynote.

Speaker: Prof. Seung-won Hwang, Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University

Seung-won Hwang is a Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at Seoul National University. Prior to joining SNU, she has been a tenured faculty at POSTECH and Yonsei University, after her PhD from UIUC. Her research contributions lie at the intersection of NLP, Information Retrieval, and Data Intelligence, published as 100+ top-tier conference papers and transferred to products from industry collaborations, recognized by Microsoft Research Outstanding Collaborator Award. More details can be found at


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