
NTU Fireside Chat with Prof Dame Lynn Gladden

Event Date 30 Nov 2023 (Thu), 03:00 PM - 04:30 PM
Venue LHN Lecture Theatre (The Arc), LHN-B1-15, NTU (Location Map)
Organiser IAS NTU (Email : )

Event Info

Fireside chat with Prof Dame Lynn Gladden from University of Cambridge

Winning Programmatic Grants - Insights from EPSRC (30 Nov 2023, Thursday, The Arc LT)

  • 3:00 pm to 4.30 pm        Fireside chat with Prof Dame Lynn Gladden (moderated by Prof Simon Redfern, Dean of CoS NTU)
  • 4:30 pm to 5.15 pm        Networking and Light Refreshments

Prof Dame Lynn Gladden is our IAS@NTU Distinguished Fellow and the Shell Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Cambridge. She served as the immediate former Executive Chair of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). Its diverse portfolio encompasses a wide range of fields, such as digital technologies, clean energy, manufacturing, mathematics, advanced materials and chemistry. EPSRC is one of the research councils under the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) government agency. Prof Gladden has also been pivotal in establishing UKRI’s first five-year strategy, including transformative technologies programmes which are an integral part of the UK Government’s Science and Technology Framework

Prof Gladden was conferred the NTU Honorary Doctor of Science in July 2023 for her significant leadership and contributions to scientific research, the development of research and innovation in Singapore, and her contributions to collaborative research with NTU in carbon reduction and sustainability.

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