
Frequently Asked Questions

What's new in the new StudentLink
There are 3 new features in the new StudentLink:

Single-Sign-On :-
You could now directly access StudentLink applications when you have already logon to NTU network (using Internet Explorer [IE] browser). [No prompting of NRIC/FIN and PIN]
You will only be prompted to logon with your network account if you are accessing StudentLink through other Internet Service Providers (ISP).

New User Interface:-
The new layout has been revamped to improve usability and applications are re-categorized and renamed to better reflect their functions. The familiar icons are removed to reduce the page loading time.

Applications in StudentLink are now personalized to your profile. Hence you only see applications that are only relevant to you.
In addition, you can now customize your personal list of frequently used applications under MyFavourites for easy access. MyTask also allows Approving and Recommending Officers easy access to forms pending their actions.

When do I need to logon?
The logon process is integrated if you access StudentLink in campus (via IE browser). You will only be prompted to provide your network account when you are accessing StudentLink from other Internet Service Providers (eg SingNet, PacificNet or Broadband).

As the integrated login feature is not available with Netscape browser, you will be prompted to logon with your network account if you are access StudentLink from Netscape browser.

I wish to create a bookmark for the new StudentLink, what is the URL?
The new URL is

Do I need my StudentLink PIN to access services via Voice Response System (VRS)?
Yes, you still need your StudentLink PIN to access services such as Subject Registration and Checking of Exam Result via VRS.