
HP-NTU Corp Lab Tech Talk: Microfluidic Investigations of Capillary Flow and Surface Phenomena in Porous Polymeric Media for 3D Printing

Event Date 27 Oct 2020 (Tue), 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Venue Virtual talk - Zoom link will be sent to registered participants
Organiser HP-NTU Digital Manufacturing Corporate Lab (Email : )

Event Info

HP-NTU Corp Lab Tech Talk: Microfluidic Investigations of Capillary Flow and Surface Phenomena in Porous Polymeric Media for 3D Printing

HP-NTU Digital Manufacturing Corp Lab is pleased to have Dr. Katrina Donovan, Lecturer in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering at South Dakota School of Mines & Technology, to share with us for our next TechTalk. She will be sharing about the microfluidic investigations of capillary flow and surface phenomena in porous polymeric media for 3D Printing.


About the speaker:
Katrina J. Donovan, Ph.D. is a Lecturer in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering at South Dakota School of Mines & Technology (SD Mines) in Rapid City, SD. During her graduate studies at Oregon State University, she worked at HP Inc. in the 3D Printing sector. Upon completion of her doctoral degree, she moved to South Dakota, co-founded a consulting company Dragon Materials, LLC, and later accepted a faculty position at SD Mines.

Katrina is a Materials Scientist specializing in experimental design and technique development for soft materials, complex fluids, and surface phenomena. She have a wide range of experience in rheological, thermal, structural, and molecular characterization that she leverages fundamentally for academic purposes as well as industrially for applications. Designing experiments and creating novel techniques to answer fundamental questions that drive applications and technology forward captivates her interest.


Date: 27 October 2020, Tuesday (10.00am to 11.00am) (SGT)
Venue: Virtual talk - zoom invite will be shared separately


The advent of 3D Printing has invigorated research into metamaterials, synthetic composite material that produce properties of these materials. This presentation proposes a novel imaging technique to investigate the surface interactions occurring in an unsaturated packed porous polymeric powder bed experiencing a colloidal fluid penetrating the powder bed, specifically to characterize nanoparticle attachment to polymeric particles.

Additionally, Washburn capillary rise studies provide quantitative information about the free energy of a surface, specifically, contact angle. Temperature dependent studies were performed to probe the impact of fluids and polymeric powders interactions in elevated temperatures. An unintentional advantage of this novel imaging technique is that the experiment is straightforward, cheap, and time efficient; aptly described as “frugal science”.


Please contact HP-NTU Corp Lab for more details:
Do visit our website for more details: link here

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