
Humanitarian Futures Forum

Event Date 03 Nov 2023 (Fri), 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Venue Ocean 1 -4, Level 2, The Pan Pacific Hotel, Singapore (Location Map)
Organiser Centre for Non-Traditional Security Studies (Email :  Tel/Fax : 67905490)

Event Info

The Humanitarian Futures Forum is hosted by the HADR programme, NTS Centre, RSIS and the Changi Regional HADR Coordination Centre on 3rd November 2023 to strengthen support systems for policy planners and decision-makers on ways to better prepare for and respond to humanitarian challenges in this decade and beyond. 

The forum will consist of a keynote address and four panel sessions. Session one will explore the role of strategic futures thinking in humanitarian work. Session two will discuss the role of humanitarian diplomacy in the Asia-Pacific. Session three focuses on the frontiers in civil-military partnerships in disasters. Session four navigates the information landscape in disasters and crises.

The Humanitarian Futures Forum brings together over 120 local and overseas participants from the military, government agencies, think tanks and academia, private sector, philanthropy, local civil society, International NGOs and International Organisations, diplomatic community, young leaders, and students. It will also be open to the media. It aims to facilitate the participating organisations to review their experiences in humanitarian settings. It seeks to inform humanitarian preparedness, planning and response to crises in our immediate and long-term future. 

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