
[GC-TSS] Growth Mindset 

Event Date 17 Jul 2024 (Wed), 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Venue Livestream
Organiser Graduate College (Email : )

Event Info

GC-TSS - Competencies

Growth Mindset

by Dr Granville

17 July 2024, Wed | 10.30am – 12noon | Livestream


About the Webinar:

While Gen Y and Gen Z have greatly benefited from the information age, i.e. available information from pressing a button either form their phone or computer, it has bred other behaviors. There has been less focus on attitude, resilience and effort. Hence, those who thrive believe they can reach the skies. Those who struggle believe it’s endemic within them. What this latter group of people need to realize that the brain is malleable and every inch of effort create a new attitude and outcomes can change with attitude. This is the Growth Mindset. Participants will learn what is “Growth Mindset” versus  “Fixed Mindset”, and how to attain and sustain a Growth Mindset among peers and in our overall attitude.


About the Speaker:

Dr Granville is the Group CEO of EQ Asia Pte Ltd and Peak Performers, a consulting and training practice specialising in organisational behaviour and performance. The group designs and facilitates corporate and adult workshops that focus on enhancing performance at all levels, dealing with change, forging powerful partnerships in organisations and building individual resilience and team resilience. In addition, he does developmental coaching that deals with deeper emotional issues caused from past programming.


*Do note that students are required to stay for 75% of the seminar duration in order to get their attendance endorsed.

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