
[GC-TSS] Career Launchpad: Navigating your future

Event Date 24 Jul 2024 (Wed), 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Venue Livestream
Organiser Graduate College (Email : )

Event Info

GC-TSS - Career Preparation

Career Launchpad: Navigating your future

by Dr Makarand Tare

24 July 2024, Wed | 10.30am – 12noon | Livestream


About the Webinar:

Launching a successful career is a journey that begins with effective preparation and planning. In today's dynamic and competitive job market, the transition from education  to  employment  is  a  significant  milestone,  and  it  requires  a  well-structured approach.

This  webinar  will  dive  deep  into  crafting  an  impactful  resume  that  effectively showcases your academic and professional achievements as we recognize the pivotal  role  a  well-crafted  resume  plays  in  shaping  the  first  impression  for potential employers or collaborators. In an age where digital visibility is crucial, understanding  how  to  curate  a  compelling  online  presence  across  various platforms  becomes  imperative.  This  session  will  also  extend  its  focus  to  the realm  of  online  presence  by  explore  the  nuances  of  establishing  a  captivating LinkedIn profile.


About the Speaker:

A PhD qualified in HR from Australia, CHRO with 30 years of experience in an international setting, especially in Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa region. Makarand has a genuine interest for people and his philosophy is to add value to people’s lives. He lives up to what he strongly believes in by imparting his knowledge and experience through continuous contribution to Human Development. He is also an active public speaker in many key Human Capital related events and conferences.


*Do note that students are required to stay for 75% of the seminar duration in order to get their attendance endorsed.

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NTU Postgrad NTU Staff
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