
[GC-TSS] Ideation Techniques for Everyone

Event Date 28 Aug 2024 (Wed), 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Venue Livestream
Organiser Graduate College (Email : )

Event Info

GC-TSS - Competencies

Ideation Techniques for Everyone 

by Mr Zack Bana

28 Aug 2024, Wed | 10.30am – 12noon | Livestream


About the Webinar:

Have you ever been asked to come up with an idea to redesign a product or service? Do you wave a magic wand where ideas start to miraculously appear? Or do you have to think long and hard before ideas start to trickle? The perineal question is why is it so difficult to generate ideas? Most people find it difficult to generate ideas because they do not have a reference or framework to work with. In fact, for those who are able to, many of these ideas are slight deviations from the existing norms. This is largely attributable to the fact that individuals tend to reach out into their bags of templates as a starting point. Needless to say, these ideas do not gain much traction. “Ideation Techniques for Everyone” is ideal for anyone who wishes to acquire techniques for ideation. Participants will be introduced to the SCAMPER technique and shown how this technique can be applied to every workplace.

About the Speaker:

Mr Zack is the Principal Consultant and Co-founder of Beacon Consulting. Upon completing his education in North America, Zack started his career with Singapore Airlines in the field of consultancy, training and research, and has worked with numerous organisations to help them meet their business objectives. In Singapore Airlines, he spearheaded several cross-border research which explored issues ranging from cultural diversity, customer satisfaction to employee engagement. Zack is renowned for his ability to conceptualise avant-garde approaches towards organisational improvement initiatives which have benefited many organisations across multiple industries including MINDEF Ministry of National Development, Agency for Integrated Care, PhillipCapital and TransitLink just to name a few.


*Do note that students are required to stay for 75% of the seminar duration in order to get their attendance endorsed.

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