
Leveraging Generative AI to Enhance Teaching and Learning by Dr Desmond Ong| 13 Aug 2024

Event Date 13 Aug 2024 (Tue), 02:30 PM - 04:30 PM
Venue Gaia, Seminar Room 2 (ABS-01-SR2) (Location Map)
Organiser InsPIRE (Email : )

Event Info


Dr Desmond Ong

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, The University of Texas at Austin



Large Language Models (LLMs) are powerful AI models that have important applications, both for research and teaching. In the first half of this workshop, I will discuss some recent research in my lab and with collaborators examining how LLMs could be used to enhance student well-being (via offering empathy and targeted reappraisals) and motivation (via promoting motivational mindsets like growth mindsets). In the second half, we will discuss issues related to teaching with LLMs: such as how should we teach writing when students now have access to LLMs? Why (and how) I think we should focus on AI Literacy? I will supplement with example assignments and learning objectives I have designed for my own writing-heavy class.


Part 1: Research on Large Language Models as tools to help students and teachers

• 45 mins: LLMs for augmenting psychological well-being and motivation

• 15 mins: Q&A

• 5 min: Break

Part 2: Teaching with LLMs [Q&A baked into each session]

• 25 mins: “LLMs 101”: All you want to know but had no one to ask.

• Terminologies; simple prompting; “LLM landscape”; pending regulations, etc. 

• 15 mins: AI and Writing

• 15 mins: AI Literacy

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